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February 1 2018 4 01 /02 /February /2018 22:12


Date: Saturday. Feb. 10th. Time: 12-2 pm. Venue: Outside Powerstown Park, Clonmel, County Tipperary, Ireland.


If you can, please consider joining the protest against Ireland's upcoming three day "festival" of hare coursing.

The so-called National Hare Coursing "Festival" is the culmination of almost five months of live coursing fixtures all over Ireland at which hares have been mauled, tossed about like rag dolls or had their bones crushed. Injured hares have their necks stretched or are beaten to death (off the ground or against walls) by "dispatchers".

In the season now coming to an end, animal protection people who attempted to film hare coursing were set upon by masked thugs at one venue who tried to seize cameras. At other venues observers were encircled by fans who obstructed filming and kept up a constant barrage of threats and spitting.

The hares to be coursed at the 3 day animal cruelty "festival" are already in captivity in Powerstown Park, unaware of what awaits them. The campaign to persuade Ireland's politicians to ban this obscenity continues.

Again, here are details of the protest:

Date: Saturday. Feb. 10th. Time: 12-2 pm. Venue: Outside Powerstown Park, Clonmel, County Tipperary.


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